The number and diversity of parasites that can live and reproduce in the human body for a long time, and not "surrender" in any way, is enormous. They are very small, invisible to the human eye, and can grow up to several meters in length. In most cases, people don’t know the type of "uninvited guests" who visit their bodies.
Parasites in the human body are able to live for many years, causing him irreparable harm by their existence.

Types of parasites
Currently, medical science knows about 250 species of parasites that live in the human body and thrive very successfully there.
These include lice, facial mites and scabies, toxoplasma, fungi, viruses and microbes. All these parasites can be waiting for you at all times, so you need to be careful and cautious.
If a person is asked to name a parasite he or she knows that lives in the body, chances are he or she will name helminths. It is about them that we hear most often and even discover them, after the next examination.
There is a special branch of medical science called parasitology, which deals with the study and finding of ways to deal with highly advanced species of pests.
This includes:
- helminths are well -known worms or worms that cause metabolic disorders and inhibition of the normal intestinal microflora with its vital activity. In addition, they interfere with the absorption of vitamins and increase the likelihood of tumor formation;
- roundworms - is the cause of the development of the whole complex of diseases of the bile, intestine and lungs;
- pinworms - affect the intestine, interfere with its work;
- lamblia - adversely affects the liver.
Also frequent guests of the human body are toxoplasma, chlamydia and trichomonas, which affect health conditions and trigger the development of various, sometimes incurable diseases. Most of us never think about what parasites might be present in the human body, what are the symptoms that indicate their presence.
Entering the human life support system, pests begin to grow and multiply. In the course of their lives, they release toxic substances that interfere with the functioning of internal systems. In addition, allergic reactions often develop, immunity is weakened, and the course of the chronic disease worsens.
Unfortunately, often the presence of signs of the presence of parasites in the human body is simply ignored by them, associated with the manifestation of certain diseases.
The most common and frequent symptoms of the presence of "foreigners" in the human body are:
- frequent diarrhea or constipation;
- Poor skin condition, presence of rashes on the face and other parts of the body;
- Persistent feeling of irritation and heaviness in the stomach, digestive problems;
- Pain in the joints, cramps and pain in the leg muscles;
- Development of disorders in the work of the central nervous system and cardiovascular system (acute phase of the disease);
- Anemia;
- Uncontrolled and improper jumps in weight;
- Insomnia, weakness and constant fatigue.
Often the immune system "doesn’t see" and doesn’t identify "uninvited guests" in any way, so it’s impossible to recognize the signs of their presence without lab testing.
Sources and routes of infection
Contrary to popular belief that only people who don’t monitor their hand hygiene can be infected with a variety of worms and fungi, even the most common cleaners and reinsurers can "take" them.
The main routes of infection are:
- Food - through dirty hands, contaminated food or water;
- Contact -household - from pets, infected family members, through household items;
- Can be transmitted - through the bite of blood -sucking insects;
- Percutaneous - where larval penetration occurs through mucous membranes or skin.
It is very easy to get infected, but it can be very difficult to clear the body of it. Sometimes treatment with the latest medications even takes a long time. Therefore, to minimize the risk of infection with this "pest", it is necessary to study the useful advice of a doctor and follow it clearly: wash hands, vegetables and fruits thoroughly, eat meat and fish only after heat treatment, etc. .
Methods for diagnosing the presence of "guests" are constantly being improved, new more accurate ones are being developed.
The main and most commonly used methods include:
- fecal analysis for worm eggs is the most common method used in all clinics. However, its accuracy does not exceed 17%.
- a joint histology program is a modern way to study thin sections of feces using a powerful microscope. This method allows you to distinguish eggs and larvae most clearly and accurately, as well as fragments of helminth bodies;
- serological method - determination of the presence of antibodies and antigens to various parasites through blood tests. This method is effective only in the final stages of infection, its effectiveness is not more than 60%;
- hemoscanning - scanning fresh blood droplets enlarged 2000 times. This method allows you to determine the presence of fungi, yeast or bacterial flora, assess the state of blood elements and detect parasitic larvae.
To ensure that not a single parasite will pass through and will definitely be detected, it is often prescribed to go through all diagnostic methods.
Body cleansing and treatment
Having learned a lot about the fact that we are in danger at almost every step and almost everyone is infected with one or the other microorganism, every sane person will ask himself the question "how can the body be cleansed of parasites"?
Most of the existing medical methods of cleansing the body are based on the intake of drugs that create living conditions that are not conducive to the life of the parasite. The course of treatment is quite long, so you have to be patient, it can be delayed from 30 days to a year.
All existing anthelmintic drugs, with the help of the body cleansed of parasites, are conditionally divided into the following groups:
- Synthesized chemical preparations provide the highest treatment efficiency and provide the fastest results. They are toxic not only to parasites, but also to host organisms. In addition, many types of helminths and other pests adapt well and become insensitive to the action of drugs;
- The original natural ingredients are plant extracts and various herbal preparations. Continuous intake of these drugs leads to the accumulation in the body of plant components that are unacceptable to the "guests", which prompts them to leave the body. They are harmless to humans, they are not addictive;
- Homeopathic remedies - the outcome of treatment with these drugs largely depends on the qualifications of the doctor and his ability to choose the drug. Treatment is very long and requires strict adherence to the medication schedule.
With the help of which preparations the body will be cleansed of parasites, only a doctor can decide. Three months after the end of the course of treatment, it is recommended to retake all tests and, as a preventive measure, take another 10-15 days of medication taken earlier during treatment.