Life in the modern world is such that it is not difficult to inadvertently "pull" harmful microorganisms into your body. Some of them will live together peacefully with us, while others can cause many complications in terms of health.
We are talking about parasites, which can be dealt with effectively even with folk methods, although visits to the doctor, his consultation, and recommendations of drugs for treatment will not be superfluous.
In the domestic situation, folk remedies are irreplaceable. Their advantage is called the low probability of triggering harmful side effects or allergic consequences.
Immediately, the myth of 100% efficacy and self-sufficiency should be dispelled when treatment of helminthiases with folk remedies is practiced.Any physician, from among parasitologists or infectious disease specialists, immediately draws the patient's attention to the possible existence of organ pathology.- then the methods of the people while inadvertently cleansing the body can create conditions to exacerbate health maladies.
Coordination of important nuances with specialists-about the various helminths that have appeared, what drugs and folk remedies are used to destroy them, how exactly and through what procedures to cleanse the body with folk remedies-become important treatment details.
Despite the relatively wide selection of drugs that affect worms, pharmacologists recommend such drugs with an eye to its specifics-side effects are not uncommon (they can act as allergens, leading to intoxication). For the same reason, such funds are not always recommended for use in childhood, as well as for women if they are in a position (especially in the early stages of pregnancy). That is why many make conscious and logical choices - they practice treatment with folk recipes.
Fighting for their health, humans have amassed a wealth of experience and resources of traditional medicine that help get rid of worms. The choice is great - from the use of herbal preparations, animal products, ending with minerals and other inorganic agents found in nature.
Worth to know!Using folk methods for the destruction of helminths, one can use decoctions, tinctures, juices, extracts and emulsions of salt, using enemas for injection into the body.
Some principles that speed up treatment are as follows:
- we use a special diet: focus on healthy foods (non -fat, not fried, we exclude meat and dairy products), which are digested easily and quickly;
- we monitor the digestive system: any disturbances in it create favorable conditions for the occurrence of easier parasitosis;
- we avoid consuming alcohol and nicotine: they increase the intensity of disease progression;
- we keep pets (dogs, cats, etc. ) at a distance: they are often carriers and causes of infection;
- we increase attention to hygiene and strengthen the immune system.

Treatment with non -traditional methods
The disadvantages of drugs of chemical origin are obvious: adverse effects on the cells of internal organs of the digestive system (gastrointestinal tract, liver). Therefore, treatment in a non -traditional way will be a savior for everyone who wants to avoid intoxication, imbalances of the digestive and immune systems.
It is an emphasis on originality - natural trace elements, oils, vitamins, acids non -medicinal anti -infective preparations that make it possible to avoid unwanted body dysfunctions.
According to parasitologists, products that neutralize worms should have several properties:
- typical odor (sharp, intense)
- certain taste (bitterness, sharpness)
- creating an acidic environment.
The following will contribute to the natural withdrawal and paralysis of organisms of the parasitic group:
- products of caustic properties (onions, garlic, other representatives of the lily family);
- citrus fruits (lemon, grapefruit);
- beets, radishes, carrots (raw);
- pumpkin seeds (with green film);
- coconut pulp (fresh);
- hot and sweet peppers.
All types of juices, especially freshly squeezed ones, will also ensure the destruction of worms in the human body. Juice from:
- bit;
- carrot;
- cabbage;
- Nenas
- watermelon (ripe);
- coconut.
Traditional medical prophylactic drugs also need special attention. Consumption of decoctions, compotes, teas on a regular or continuous basis leads to the creation of an environment in the gastrointestinal tract that does not allow infection. The basis for the preparation of the mentioned liquids are: rose hips, strawberries, mint leaves.
A special role is given to coriander- it is able to have a preventive effect even as a spice in cooking.

Soda is seen vaguely: opponents of the drug doubt its effectiveness, although there are more supporters, and the practice of using soda as a "cure" for worms has proven its effectiveness.
Opponents of soda treatment emphasize its aggressive effect on the body (it harms the gastric mucosa) and the possibility of complications in the gastrointestinal tract. Adherents of the drug, although they note the presence of violations of the microflora of the digestive organs with soda, they are much smaller and easier to recover compared to treatment with medical preparations alone.
Attention!The practice of prescribing an enema with a soda solution is becoming more common. Here, although soda is important, it should not be the only means of influence - in combination with complex therapy in other non -drug ways, it will give the desired result.
A little about the symptoms of parasitic diseases. It is varied, but soda is indicated if:
- against the background of high temperature, there is weakness of the body, nausea;
- abdominal pain and discomfort in the area of the abdominal cavity, intestines;
- rash due to allergic reactions (on the skin of the limbs and the whole body);
- excessive fatigue is observed even with little physical effort, disturbances in sleep;
- sometimes there is a cough reflex, shortness of breath against the background of pain in the chest cavity (Leffler syndrome);
- violations of the digestive cycle are detected: problems with appetite, bowel movements (problems with stool) - either excessive or insufficient, as well as bloating and increased gas formation;
- the immune system fails (colds, allergies easily).
By creating an alkaline environment, soda is able to "complicate life" for worms - they cannot exist in such conditions, the body will be disinfected.
The procedure undergone by patients undergoing treatment with soda is simple. For an enema, prepare a water solution with soda in a proportion of 0. 8 liters of water to one tablespoon of soda (20-30 grams). The temperature of the solution should not exceed 42 ° C, and less than 38 ° C (cold water will cause hypothermia in internal organs, warmer water will relax the intestinal wall and toxins can be absorbed into the body).
Cleaning is done according to the following scheme:
- Inventory rating. The body must be cleansed with an initial enema of saline solution (proportion - 30 grams of salt per 1-2 liters of water). The rate of fluid administration should be optimal - and not fast (excessive speed will force the body to stretch the intestinal wall), and not slow. The solution is given to the patient in a supine position (on the left side, with the right leg bent to the abdomen) and held for at least 10 minutes (you need to lie on your back and take a deep breath). Next is bowel emptying.
- The main stage.A soda enema is given. Everything is run in a way similar to the previous stage. The only difference is that fluid retention in the body is extended to 30 minutes. Here you need to carefully monitor the body's response - the parasite will try to stay in the internal organs, which will lead to unpleasant or painful sensations. In case of excessive pain or burning, you should immediately empty your stomach.
- Final stage.The stage 1 procedure was repeated. There is a cleaning of soda residue and worms are destroyed.
The described scheme was repeated several times a day throughout the entire healing period.
Traditional medicine and treatment regimens described through cleansing with soda, as a result, have gained recognition among patients who have been infected with parasites and freed from them. This is evident from the breadth of discussions in the Internet space. Here are some first hand quotes.
"I want to share my case. I tried to expel worms with soda. I did an enema for one day, the next day - rest, then - again a day of procedure. In the morning after this repeated day, the situation was not so hot. I felt sick toa long time, I felt bad, on my right side I pulled quite hard. By the evening I went to the toilet and saw the result - in the mass of feces there was a worm 20 centimeters, a kind of translucent, probably a ringworm. It must be something else in. in the intestines - so I will continue cleansing, I will also drink a soda solution. And I will take herbs for treatment for children - the microflora of the child's body is quite easily disturbed, so it is better to heal in a gentle mode.
"I decided not to use soda as a drink anymore - the enema helped. The effect was gratifying - after the completion of the third stage, small translucent parasites" came out "of me. Like cream worms they were called. After each repetition of the scheme (maybe 6 times), the wormsdifferent out all the time interspersed with mucus, orange as such. At 7-8 times, the mucus comes out in record amounts, but already without worms.
"At first, the process was difficult. Probably, only after 5 repetitions I more or less mastered how to refrain from emptying immediately. This was my first experience with" taking "an enema. Helminths began to come out after 6 enemas, quite large - 20 cm But moremany surprises come on the 16th time, when the body is cleaned of a large amount of feces - a "cylinder" of 40 cm.
"A local therapist suggested I try cognac with castor oil for treatment. At first I had a fasting day-just cereal on water, fresh vegetables mixed with fruits. For the evening I took cognac, then castor oil. I as well-immediately had a headache and started vomiting. I calmed down and tried to sleep. I slept badly. And at 5 am I felt the effects of the "treatment" and ran to the toilet. I saw helminths for the first time, it became creepy. 3 days continued drinking appointmenttherapist. I feel better - literally and figuratively (I lost a few kg! ) ".
"Mugwort took about 30 days. Little changed - no aggravation, no discomfort. I thought I was wrong about myself and the worms. But no! After a month of therapy with wormwood, the worms came out of me. Surprised! Why did I mentionall this? Besides, sometimes you don’t suspect that it can live in the body!
Treatment for helminthiasis is a serious procedure that requires special attention - both from doctors and patients. And if drug therapy has contraindications, folk recipes - alternative medicine means - can be more effective. Coordination of such treatment with the doctor and the availability of medication will allow it to be carried out even in normal living conditions.